Friday, 21 November 2008

Club penguin new play!!!

The new play at the stage is "fairy fables". In the catalog on the first page click on the radio to get the blue magic wand.

New pin at lighthouse.

The new pin is at the lighthouse. It's a snow tile.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Monday, 17 November 2008

Club penguin dojo game news!!

Look at these pictures. In the dojo you can speak to sensie and play him too. Look at his ninja move.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Dojo mad!!

Look. People went mad for the dojo. I didn't get in.

Club penguin dojo game not working..

The dojo game is not working and today is the 17th november. It's only 6:50 in the morning. I'll tell you when it works.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Club penguin update to settings

As you can see the settings on club penguin have now been updated. It now tells you what server your on and if you want to mute music.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

No screen HQ

Look theres no screen in HQ. Club penguin must be updating the dojo onto that screen.

Dojo outside...

As you can see this is the dojo outside and iv'e squarded the parts that you might want to know. The door is the door to inside. The other pictures of the dojo thats inside, thats to their. The other part is the free sandles.


The dojo is great. This pic of me in the dojo. Thats the inside and look at the other pics of the outside!!!

Stage sneek peek!

The stage looks cool and like an old fashion type of place.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Club penguin ninja poster glitch.

To get the ninja poster click all the lightbulbs and then click the sign that says "WERE A HARD HAT" and a ninja poster will appear.

I done the cheat to get to the top of the nightclub and to get the ninja out. You press the "N" on nightclub to get the ninja. I kinnda got the ninja which was good.

Club penguin my birthday party igloo!

My birthday is coming up and im planning a birthday party at my igloo!! It will be on the 24th November. Get there by 4:00 to 4:30 and finishes at 5:00 to 5:30. Comment on this for any questions. Like my igloo for the party!!!

Club penguin lighthouse ninja

As you can see the ninja behind me that i have shaded in. These ninja clues are getting bigger and bigger.

Me in the plaza

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Club Penguin Cheats & Glitches

Club Penguin Cheats & Glitches

Club penguin ninja training

Club penguin ninja training is coming 17th november and me. Iv'e just made this blog and its cool by the way my name is gazza79 on cp and im on that picture but you cant see me.